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Sunday, April 27, 2008

A Few Cautions..

1st trimester:usually chala mandiki morning sickness valla vomotings ekkuva avutuntay.take biscuits n toasts koncham dry ga untay kabatti better avtundi,mari baga undi neerasam aite matram meet your doc they will give u IV,n take vitamin supplements,especiallly during first trimester folic acid it will prevent spinal cord problems in baby.
next at any time during preggie if you have vaginal bleeding meet your doc immediately
check your weight regularly if u gain more than 5lbs per month meet your doc
at any time during preggie if you have swollen legs after getting up from bed i mean after 12hrs of rest take your doc appointment.
if u have vision problems n not able to pass urine for 24hrs meet doc
regarding diet other than increased amounts of caffeine,tea u can take anything u want,even papaya also nothing will happen
cut down your alcoholic n smoking habits totally,of course manaki undavanukondi,but still
don’t take very hot tub baths n sternous exercises during 1st trimester it my lead to miscarriage
IC s ur choice there s no prob u can have until 3rd trimester b4 1 r 2 months of your EDD,if u are comfortable.

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